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Comprobador gráfico de Twitter

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Twitter cards are snippets of websites created by Twitter to display website data on the Twitter platform. You must create a Twitter card based on your business type. Twitter is a popular platform for engaging people. People interact with each other by tweeting. Twitter is mostly used to share new and trending news. As a webmaster, Twitter is a great social media platform to engage your audience and reach the right customers.


What exactly is BH SEO Tools' Twitter Card Checker?


The Twitter Card Checker is a free tool at your fingertips where you can check if any websites have a Twitter graph or not. Simply put the URL into the tool and it will show if a website contains a Twitter card or not.


Using the Twitter card tool is very simple. Just enter any website URL into the tool The click submits tool will show you if the website has a Twitter graph already.


 To generate a Twitter card use our free tool TWITTER CARD GENERATOR.