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كود IFSC إلى تفاصيل البنك

عن الموقع كود IFSC إلى تفاصيل البنك

Bank to IFSC Code is a free online tool that helps you find the corresponding bank account number in the given Indian state and Union territory

Do you need to send money to someone in a different country? Maybe you need to pay your rent or mortgage and don’t have the time to go to the bank. Whatever the reason, you may need to find out your bank’s IFSC code. An IFSC code is a unique 11-character code that identifies a bank and its branch in India. It is used by the Reserve Bank of India for the electronic payments system called Real-time Gross Settlement (RTGS). If you need to send money to someone in India, you’ll need to know the IFSC code of their bank. You can find this code on the website of the Reserve Bank of India or by contacting your bank. Once you have the IFSC code, you can transfer money electronically using the RTGS system.


Do you need to transfer money to someone in a different country? Are you looking for the bank details of a company in a foreign country? If so, you'll need to know the IFSC code. The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-character alphanumeric code that identifies the bank and branch where the account is held. It is used by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for inter-bank fund transfers. The first four characters of the IFSC code represent the bank, and the remaining seven characters represent the branch. For example, the IFSC code for the State Bank of India (SBI) is SBIN0000001. The IFSC code for ICICI Bank is ICIC0000002.